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Tips for keeping calm during the Christmas rush 

9 December 2020

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December is one of the busiest (and most expensive) months of the year, so it’s little wonder many of us finish the year feeling tired and frazzled! Whether it’s tackling Christmas shopping at busy malls or trying to balance all the end-of-year festive activities, here are three simple ways you can help minimise stress during the silly season.

1. Try saying no

From kindy concerts to work parties, there are some events that you just can’t miss. But not every social occasion needs to be included on your priority list.

  • Pick and choose from all the invites – select the ones that really matter
  • Preserve your energy – if you love helping out behind-the-scenes, aim to limit yourself to what’s manageable
  • Make another time – perhaps that traditional neighbourhood get-together you usually organise could wait until January?
  • Keep things simple – no-one will mind if you buy those baked goodies instead of making them yourself!

Don’t feel you’re letting anyone down by respecting your need to do a little less this year.

2. Look after your physical well-being

Find yourself with tight shoulders, an achy jaw or a daily headache? When we’re busy, it’s easy to tense our muscles without realising and neglect the simple things that keep us feeling good.

  • Drink water throughout the day – it’s so easy and so important!
  • Everything in moderation – don’t deny yourself that delicious Xmas food (and drink!), but savour every mouthful and aim to balance things out a little.
  • Remember those greens – 5+ servings of fruit and veg a day will help fuel your body with what it needs.
  • Get in that sleep – try sticking to a regular bedtime, whenever you can.
  • Move your body – you might not have time (or the desire!) to do a gym class, but a gentle 10 minute walk around the block will still benefit your body and mind.

3. Take time for you

It’s easy to put your needs at the bottom of the list, especially if you’re a parent – but you matter too! Try boosting your energy with these quick suggestions.

  • Take some deep breaths – try these handy tips from a breathing coach
  • Get out in nature – kick those shoes off and stroll around barefoot on the grass (you’ll be practicing a technique called earthing)
  • Use your senses – close your eyes and tune in to nature by listening and then smelling what’s around you
  • Try a micro break – it could be popping on a free five minute meditation via YouTube, listening to a favourite song or grabbing a cuppa and reading a few pages of your favourite book
  • Practice self-compassion – name the five top things you achieved that day or five things other people value about you. If you have a few minutes more to spend, jot them down as the start of a gratitude journal.
  • Limit social media – it’s easy to get stuck mindlessly scrolling through social media. Try to avoid the comparison trap, as you’re always only seeing the very best bits of someone’s day!

Feeling like you need a little extra support?

While many of us love the lead-up to Christmas, don’t think any less of yourself if you find yourself wishing the time away. If you feel in need of some expert help, please reach out to the people or groups that can provide you with the support you need.

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