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Three steps you can take now to create a brighter financial future 

11 February 2020

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As you rang in the New Year and made resolutions, did you think about your finances and what you’d like to achieve in the next decade? 

If making savings goals and plans for your personal finances is something you think about a lot – but often falls to the bottom of your to-do list, have a look at this checklist. It covers three simple steps you can take now to get started on the journey to the financial future you want to achieve. 

Step 1: review where you’re at

Take stock. Make sure you know what comes into your accounts (and when) – and what goes out. Look at your loans, and how and when you pay them. Review your automatic payments – make sure you know exactly what you’re paying for – and when these leave your account. 

Don’t forget about your KiwiSaver. Think about the percentage of your salary that you invest and your appetite for risk. When you set financial goals, you may find that investing differently – at a higher percentage or in funds with a different level of risk – could work better for you.

Step 2: talk about money

Your personal finances have a huge impact on your life, yet it can be hard to talk about money – even with those closest to you. Starting a conversation with your partner, family or friends about your finances and what your realistic financial goals could be is a great first step.

Once you’ve set some goals, keep talking and discuss your progress – and make sure you recognise your achievements when you achieve a milestone!

Step 3: ask for help

Making financial goals can feel hard. Seeking help to review your finances and to set your objectives could be a great idea. Talking to your bank or a registered financial advisor is a good place to start. For more ideas and resources, take a look at 

The information in this article has been compiled from various sources and is intended to be factual information only. Full details of policy terms and conditions are available from Asteron Life Limited or your financial adviser. For advice on product suitability, please contact your financial adviser. While we take reasonable steps to ensure that the information contained in this article is accurate and up-to-date, it is subject to change without notice. Asteron Life Limited and its related companies does/do not accept any responsibility or liability in connection with your use of or reliance on this article.

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