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Media and Press

Media contact details and recent press releases

  • Asteron Life offers customers a new layer of connected medical support

    Asteron Life has today announced an enhanced virtual medical and wellbeing service, Asteron Life Connected Care, offering customers free access to medical advice from medical specialists, dieticians, and fitness experts.

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  • Asteron Life reports a strong profit

    Asteron Life has reported a strong Profit After Tax (PAT) of $16 million for the half year to 31 December 2022, up $10 million on the pcp. Asteron Life is the life insurance arm of Suncorp New Zealand, a leading insurance provider.

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  • Asteron Life offering support and flexibility as tough times get tougher

    Asteron Life is reminding advisers of the range of built-in premium relief options available to the majority of its customers, to manage premium costs while retaining core benefits. These include taking premium “holidays” for up to six months, or the ability to temporarily suspend premiums and cover, for applicable products.

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  • Asteron Life launches pilot to support claims managers

    Life insurer, Asteron Life has launched a pilot programme to support the emotional needs those in its workforce facing the most challenging interactions with customers.

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  • Asteron Life’s Continuous Trauma benefit ensuring customers don’t get caught short on their cover

    New claims statistics from Asteron Life show in 2021, 64% of trauma claims received and assessed were for cancer, highlighting the additional value that customers may get from adding a Continuous Trauma benefit to their policy.

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  • Asteron Life continues to deliver solid underlying profit and growth despite economic headwinds

    Asteron Life, Suncorp’s New Zealand life insurance business, demonstrated its strength by delivering an underlying profit after tax of $38 million driven by in-force premium growth of 4% and strong retention rates.

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  • Insurance with flexibility at the core for changing customer needs

    If there’s anything universal that we’ve learned over the past two years, it is that life can throw us unexpected challenges. Our health, business, career, family and relationship have all seen impacts as we have tried to adapt and respond to the ‘COVID years’.

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Media contact details

For all media enquiries please contact: 

Kimberley Cameron

Phone: 027 208 1268 

Email Kimberley